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Space Exploration Pathfinder

1. Choose a space mission or astronaut

2. Where to Search

You can locate information on your topic from school or home using our subscription databases. These include articles from newspapers, magazines, and reference books.
From school, just click on any database to access it.

To access these databases at HOME, go to MackinVIA and follow the following steps:

  • Under school, begin typing your school name (Gunston); then select from the drop-down list.
  • Type in your “One Login” username and password.

3. Selected Databases

Much of your research can be done with the information on the websites above. However, you will also want to get information from some of these databases.

Book Cover: Science in context Search for the name of your space mission or astronaut.

elibsci The link will bring you directly to a page about space missions.

Book Cover: Britannica school edition Search for the name of your space mission or astronaut. Not all missions will have complete information in this database.

Book Cover: Biography in context Search for the name of your astronaut. (This database is only for biographies.)

4. Using Images

When gathering images to use in your project, make sure to search for images without copyright restriction. When doing an image search in Google, make sure you filter on images that are labeled for “noncommmercial reuse.” Better yet, search for your image on Creative Commons, where all images can be used!

5. Cite Your Sources

Watch these short videos to learn how to cite your sources using your EasyBib account.

  1. Setting up your EasyBib account
  2. Creating a new project
  3. Addition a citation from Encyclopedia Britannica
  4. Adding a citation from Science in Context
  5. Adding a citation for a website
  6. Exporting your bibliography to Google Docs.