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German Recipes

8th Grade Recipes

Here are some of the laboratory experiences or demonstrations we do in class…

German Cuisine

Potato Pancakes (Kartoffelphfannkuchen)

Yields 4 Servings

2 Tbsp  All-Purpose Flour
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp. Pepper
1 Egg
1/2 Medium Onion, Chopped Very Fine
1 lb. Potatoes, Grated
Vegetable Oil

1. While the dry ingredients are being measured by the chef -two people peel the potatoes and RINSE (Butler and Gofer)
2. Measure the first 4 dry ingredients in a large bowl. Mix.
3. Add egg. Mix again.
3. While all this is being done one person should bring over potatoes to be shredded in food processor. Finely chopped onion will be added during this process. Potatoes will be returned on a towel where a big strong person will squeeze out as much liquid as possible by twisting the towel with the potatoes over the sink.  PLEASE RINSE TOWEL before hanging it on the rack.
4. Chef, combine the potatoes with the wet ingredients. Mix thoroughly.
5. Pour 2 Tbsp. of oil into the electric griddle over highest heat.
6. Place all of the potato mixture onto the pan.  Flatten the pancake with a large dry measuring cup. Start to take turner edge and cut a big +. Dividing into 4 smaller “squarish” pancakes.  Cook until crispy and brown, turning once and adding remaining oil required.
7. Plate and set aside until all dishes are clean and kitchen is put back into order.

Serve with sour cream to make it authentic.

Kraut and Wurst Lab

Cook 1 piece of bacon in a pot (medium heat). Remove bacon and drain on paper towel.


1/2 medium onion and saute in bacon grease.
Cook until translucent.

Stir in:

1 cup sauerkraut (rinsed and drained)
1/3 c. apple cider
1 t. brown sugar
1/4 t. salt
1/4 t. caraway seeds
pinch of pepper
3 hotdogs & 1 bratwurst (cut into 2 inches pieces)
Cooked bacon

Cover and simmer

for 15 minutes or until “wurst” appear cooked.


with mustard if desired.

Fruit Torte



2 cups flour
1/4 c. sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 egg
1/2 c. milk
1/2 c. butter or margarine, melted


2 to 3 cups sliced fruit; apples, peaches, apricots, pear, plums or whole cherries (w/o pits) any of, or a combination. Fresh fruit is preferable but canned pie filling is okay.

Streusel Topping:

1/4 c. sugar
2 T. flour
1/4 t. ground nutmeg
1/4 t. ground cinnamon
2 T. butter or margarine

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9 or 10 inch spring form pan or other 9 to 10 inch round baking pan.

To prepare dough: Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl; set aside. In large mixing bowl, beat egg. Add milk and melted butter. Add dry ingredients to egg mixture; mix until ingredients are well blended. (Dough may be wrapped in plastic wrap at this point and refrigerated for shaping and baking the following day.) Place dough in prepared baking pan. With very clean hands, pat dough to cover bottom and 1 inch up sides of pan. (Dip fingers in flour to prevent sticking.)

Arrange selected fruits over dough.

To prepare streusel topping: Combine sugar, flour, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Using a pastry blender, cut in butter or margarine. Sprinkle topping over fruit.

Bake in preheated oven 30 to 40 minutes, until crust is browned and filling is cooked to the center. Serve warm with ice cream, whipped cream or sweet cream.

Makes 8 to 12 servings.

SPAETZLE (German Dumplings)

2 c Flour
2 Tbsp Butter
1 c Milk
1/2 tsp Salt

Beat eggs well; add remaining ingredients and beat until the dough blisters. Drop from the tip of a wet teaspoon into boiling salted water. Cook until tender (about 15 minutes). Drain. Toss with melted butter. (I like to put sauteed onions with this) Good substitute for potatoes.