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Section: Family and Consumer Science

Teen Living – 7th Grade

January 22, 2015

Our Quest: Success! 7th grade Classes – 18 weeks or 1 semester long Teen Living is a course where...

Tongue Twisters

November 15, 2014

Can you say these fast? Can you say them clearly so it is understood? Can you say them without...

What is FACS?

October 10, 2014

You may hear different names for the FACS classes….Exploring FACS, Life Management Skills, Teen Living and Taking Charge. They...

Exploring FACS – 6th Grade

September 15, 2014

Our Quest: Success! 6th grade Classes – 22/23 day Elective Wheel rotation Exploring FACS is a course where 6th...

Taking Charge – 8th Grade Girls

September 15, 2014

Our Quest: Success!  8th Grade Girls – 18 weeks or 1 semester Taking Charge is an 8th grade class...

Teaching Middle School Students

September 3, 2014

Teaching middle school students is perhaps one of the hardest jobs out there– it is, at least, oftentimes the...

Class Descriptions

September 3, 2014

What is it like to teach Middle School? Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade: Life Management Taking Charge What...

Cooking Terms

September 3, 2014

Dictionaries/glossaries to define words you encounter while cooking…. Good Housekeeping University of Minnesota What Cooking America?

Cool Web Sites

September 3, 2014

Taking Charge Classes| Just For Fun | Research| International| FACS Related Food Related Sites: All recipes (http://www.allrecipes.com/) – A...

Family and Consumer Science

September 3, 2013

What is F.A.C.S.? Recipes About Ms. Saunders F.A.C.S. Resources Name Picture Subject Email Jenny Saunders Family & Consumer Science...