We are ready for the Fall Sports season here at Gunston. The following sports will start in September:
- Tennis for boys & girls – September 3rd
- Girls’ Soccer – September 3rd
- Boys’ Ultimate Frisbie – September 16th
It is required that students must have a Middle/High School Physical Form ready before tryouts. We also want to make it clear that these sports are competitive, they are not classes or recreational. This means that all participants must know how to play and have experienced the sport before. All tryouts will be after-school and transportation will be provided. Tryouts will start at 2:45pm and will end at 4:00pm. Transportation is strictly for athletes, no one else will be allowed on the buses.
Tennis players must have their physical forms ready, must bring their own racket, have the proper attire for playing and must know how to play. 6th grade Tennis players report to the tennis courts at 2:45pm for tryouts on September 3rd. 7th and 8th grade Tennis players report to the tennis courts at 2:45pm for tryouts on September 4th.
Girls’ Soccer players must have their physical form ready, have proper attire for playing and must know how to play. 6th grade girls’ soccer players report to the main soccer field at 2:45pm for tryouts on Sept. 3rd 7th and 8th grade girls’ soccer players report to the main soccer field at 2:45pm on Sept. 4th.
Boys’ Ultimate Frisbie players must have their physical form ready and have proper attire to play. All players from all grade levels report to the grass field at 2:45pm on Sept. 16th. We also recommend being ready for the weather and bring extra water.
For any questions, please email Mr. Matos at Matosluis.malave@apsva.us