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Science Project Help

Teachers will be available to help students with their science projects on the following days. All times are after school in the library unless otherwise noted.

Topic Dates
Research Plan Thursday, Oct 12
Research Plan Monday, Oct 16
Research Plan Tuesday, Oct 17
Forms for “Special Projects” Monday, Oct 23
Forms for “Special Projects” Tuesday, Oct 24 B & C Lunch
Procedures Tuesday, Oct 24
Forms for “Special Projects” Thursday, Oct 26 B & C Lunch
General Help Monday, Oct 30
General Help Thursday, Nov 2
Introduction (Running Experiments too?) Tuesday, Nov 14
Running the Experiments TBA
Running the Experiments TBA
Running the Experiments Thursday, Nov 16
Running the Experiments/Data Analysis Monday, Nov 20
Data Analysis Thursday, Nov 30
Conclusion Monday, Dec 11
Conclusion Tuesday, Dec 12
Presentation/Board Monday, Dec 18
Presentation/Board Tuesday, Dec 19
Last Minute Printing Thursday, Jan 4
Presentation Practice Tuesday, Jan 16
Presentation Practice Tuesday, Jan 23