Sharon Gaston
Middle School Reading Teacher
My name is Dr. Sharon Gaston and I will be teaching 8th Grade Structured Literacy in Room 128. This is my 35th year as an educator which is so BIZARRO because I am still Sweet 16. My hobbies are being creative. I am a professional storyteller who enjoys writing and illustrating children's books, swimming at the beach or YMCA, dancing, laughing and having a great time with my family and friends. A new year of growing and learning together with my students is always exciting. Being with my students and finding fun, interactive ways to get them engaged and motivated to do literacy learning is in my wheelhouse. Seeing the children experience success and grow in their confidence as they become stronger in their literacy skills is like having a winning lottery ticket! KEEP READING!!!!! A new year of growing and learning together with my students is always exciting. Seeing the children experience success and confidence as they become stronger in their literacy skills is like having a winning lottery ticket!
Rayla Parquet
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Hi, I am the ITC at Gunston. I have been with APS for 2 years and I love it!