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Mexican Recipes

8th Grade Recipes

Here are some of the laboratory experiences or demonstrations we do in class…

Mexican Cuisine

Flour Tortillas

In a bowl, mix:

1 -1/2 c. flour

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

Then add:1/4 cup vegetable shortening  cut in with a pastry blender until crumbly.In a liquid measuring cup:1/2 cup warm water

  • “Eyeball” about half of your water and pour onto flour mixture.Then gradually add water- ONE Tablespoon at a time and stir- until the mixture forms a dough. WARNING: The amount of water will vary depending on the weather so adding all of the water just ONCE may result in a “goopy” mass of dough.
  • Once dough forms into a ball; divide into portions (one per person).
  • Use a tortilla press first then roll out the balls until very thin with a rolling pin.
  • Heat in a preheated griddle until speckled brown for one minute.
  • Turn it over and cook for an additional 30 seconds. Slide off plate when done.
  •  Place hot tortilla on plate and sprinkle with grated cheese and green chiles. Melt in microwave for 30 seconds. Fold tortilla in half twice. BOOM! You have now a “Quesadilla”.
  • EAT when kitchen is all clean.

Corn Tortillas

2 cups masa flour
1 cup warm water
2 T. olive oil

1. Combine flour and water. Mix with fork until the dough holds together. Knead on a lightly floured surface just until well blended.

2. Divide the dough into 12 portions and form each portion into a ball.

3. If using tortilla press; place a square of wax paper on the bottom half of the tortilla press. Place one ball of dough off-center away from the handle. Cover with another piece of waxed paper. Press to flatten dough. OR, place ball of dough between two damp cloths. Shape with a rolling pin. OR, use your hand to press and flatten but keep the circular. You know the old-fashioned way.

4. Bake tortillas on a hot, lightly greased griddle until lightly flecked with brown spots, about 2 minutes on each side.

5. Keep tortillas warm by wrapping in paper toweling, then in a damp cloth. OR, if serving time is 1 to 2 hours later, wrap tortillas in aluminum foil and place in 150 degree oven.

Guacamole Demonstration
2 medium avocados or 1 large avocado
2 Tablespoons lemon or lime juice
1/2 t. salt
2 slices onion
1 peeled, seeded tomato
1 T. chopped chili pepper
2 tsp. minced cilantro
cilantro leaves
tomato wedges

1. Cut ripe avocados in half. Remove pit and scoop out pulp. Place in blender or food processor.

2. Add lemon juice, salt, onion and optional ingredients as desired.

3. Process until slightly chunky. Garnish with cilantro and tomato wedges.

Fajitas Lab

1/2 pound of beef or chicken
1 Tbsp. Taco or fajita mix
1/2 salt
pinch pepper
I Tbsp. Oil
Half an onion
Half a green pepper

Cut slightly frozen meat into thin strips. Place in bowl. Sprinkle the seasoning, salt and pepper over the meat and mix. Pour oil on meat and stir to coat. Slice onions into rings and separate them. Cut the green pepper into thin strips. Set onion and peppers aside in the bowl with the meat until ready to cook. Place pan on medium high heat until hot. When pan is hot and ready cook the meat and veggies all at the same time. Constantly stirring, keep the meat and veggies moving. When the meat shows no more pink and the onions are soft you may begin putting the mixture on the tortillas.

1/4 cup butter, softened
1/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1 and 3/4 cups flour (more if needed)
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1/4 cup milk
oil, for frying
cinnamon sugar

1. In a medium bowl, with electric mixer, cream butter and sugar together until blended. Add eggs and beat well. Stir in vanilla.

2. Stir and toss 1 cup of the flour with the baking powder and salt. Add to first mixture and mix until blended. Beat in milk. Add remaining flour and mix to make a soft dough.

3. Turn onto a floured surface and knead for 1 or 2 min. until dough is smooth, kneading in more flour ( you may need up to a cup more) if necessary to keep it from being too sticky.

4. Roll dough until it is about 1/4 inch thick, flouring it lightly if it sticks. Cut into 3 inch rounds.

5. In a dutch oven, heavy deep skillet or electric frying pan, heat about 2 inches to 360 degrees. Fry until golden brown and they look like little puffy golden pillows (1 1/2 to 2 min). Drain on paper towels and toss in cinnamon sugar while still warm.

Makes about 2 dozen bunuelos.



2 quarts vegetable oil for frying
1 cup water
1/2 cup margarine
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
1/4 cup white sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1. In a heavy deep skillet or deep-fryer, heat oil to 360 degrees. Oil should be about 1 1/2 inches deep.

2. In a medium saucepan, heat water and margarine to a rolling boil. Combine the flour and salt; stir into the boiling mixture. Reduce heat to low and stir vigorously until the mixture forms a ball, about 1 minute. Remove from heat and beat in the eggs one at a time. Spoon the mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a large star tip.

3. Carefully squeeze out 4 inch long strips of dough directly into the hot oil. Fry 3 or 4 strips at once, until golden brown, about 2 minutes on each side. Remove from hot oil to drain on paper towels. Stir together the sugar and cinnamon; roll churros in the mixture while still hot.