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Spanish Immersion

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The Spanish Partial Immersion Program at the middle school level is a continuation of the elementary program offered at Key and Claremont Elementary Schools.

The program begins the middle school sequence and is designed to continue the development of Spanish language proficiency. The skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are taught specifically through the language arts program and through content instruction in social studies and science. Student placement in the program is open to students who show appropriate proficiency in Spanish.

Early second language learning provides the following positive effects:

  • Enriches and enhances students’ mental development.
  • Helps students to develop more flexibility in thinking, greater sensitivity to language learning, and a greater attention span.
  • Improves students’ understanding of their native language.
  • Gives students a head start in language requirements for high school and college graduation.
  • Prepares students to compete in the global economy, where proficiency in more than one language represents a significant advantage.

All middle school students who participate in the Spanish Partial Immersion Program follow the same core curriculum as students at each of the Arlington middle schools. Bus transportation is provided for all students participating in the program who live more than 1.5 miles from Gunston Middle School.

Language of Instruction

English: Math, English, Elective, P.E

Spanish: Social Studies, Science, Spanish Language Arts