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Science Fair Pathfinder


Locate information on your topic from school or home using our subscription databases, which give you access to encyclopedias, magazines, newspapers, and reference articles.

To access these databases at HOME, go to MackinVIA and follow the following steps:

  • Under school, begin typing your school name, then select from the drop-down list.
  • Type in your “OneLogin” username and password.

Science Databases


science-in-context       elibrary-science  ebscohost



Keyword Searching

  • Once you have your topic, you need to figure out the best keywords (or search terms) to use for your topic.
  • Start with a source like an online encyclopedia like Britannica School or World Book to get some background information about your topic.

Citing your sources

All the databases have a citation provided in the article. Copy and paste the APA style citation into a Google doc. This will be your working bibliography. If you use a website as a resource, follow the directions here. If you use a book, follow the directions here.